July 8, 2002, an informal meeting was held at the home of Ernestine Kinsey Marshall to discuss the forming of a genealogy group, with the idea of applying to become a chapter of the Afro- American Historical and Genealogy Society, Inc (AAHGS). Information had been received from the AAHGS Chapter Committee advising the group about the steps to be taken to accomplish our stated goal. In accordance with the steps outlined, the following was decided: Our mission - To focus on African American Genealogy research. Our goal - to provide research skills that will enable our members to leave a legacy behind for the generations that follow. Our Motto is “Bridging Worlds, Bridging Generations.” Establishing our organization made us the second existing African-American genealogy organization in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The founding members at that meeting were: Laura V. Booth, Octavia A. Greene, Ernestine Kinsey Marshall, Fannie Moore-Murray, and Constance Cooper,
The next meeting was at Big George’s Restaurant, 52nd and Spruce Streets, Philadelphia,PA. At that meeting we discussed where our meetings would be held; what our dues would be; the names of those we would invite to the next meeting; and did complete review of our proposed by-laws.
The first officers for the organization were elected at our meeting held on July 27, 2002 at the West Philadelphia Branch of the Free Library, 52nd and Sansom Streets. They are as listed below.
Ernestine Kinsey Marshall, President
Howard W. Crocker, Vice President
Laura Booth, Secretary
Jean Turk, Treasurer
Fannie M. Murray, The first appointed Publicity Chairperson
Octavia A. Greene , The first appointed Membership Chairperson
Everyone attending that meeting joined and became the Charter Members, except one Charter Member who was a Pennsylvania resident and member of AAHGS working in Washington, DC. When she heard a chapter was being considered in Philadelphia, she immediately requested to become a Charter Member (name indicated by an * on the below list). We have a total of seventeen Charter Members.
The names of the charter members are as follows:
Laura Booth, Constance Cooper, Howard W. Crocker, Eloise H. Grazier, Octavia A. Greene, Regina Holmes, Mildred Jackson, Marilyn C. Jones, Lovie A. Dennis Mars, Ernestine Kinsey Marshall, Lona Loman, Lorraine McCullen*, Readith Moore, Fannie More-Murray, Helen Pack, Jean S. Turk Herschel Williams.
Not having a permanent meeting site, Family Quest Society held several meetings at the Main Campus of Philadelphia Community College, Winnet Building-Student Life Center. On November 23, 2002 our meeting was held at The Family History Center, Philadelphia, PA. This would be designated as our permanent meeting site.
Our President was notified by letter dated January 16, 2003 from the President of AAHGS, that Family Quest Society is now an official chapter. Our Charter Certificate is dated March 3, 2003. This would make us the first AAHGS chapter in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and the first chapter established under the presidency of Carolyn C. Rowe.
In September, 2005, our first elected President and a founding member, Ernestine Kinsey Marshall passed away. She was serving her second term in office. Vice President, Howard W. Crocker became President and on December 17, 2005 Octavia A. Green was appointed by him as Vice President. Her appointment was unanimously approved by the membership.